Sunday 4 January 2015

Rudra Avatars of Lord SHIVA

Lord Shiva is considered as the incomparable God in the Hinduism. For setting up a perfect chip away at the earth before his animals, he had taken assortment of the symbols and incarnations. Some of his symbols are identified with ensuring his aficionados from the villains and glad Gods also. Nonetheless, five symbols of all his incarnations are revoltingly essential and additionally thought to be the most profitable and powerful for his enthusiasts.

Lord Shiva took conception on the earth as the eleven Rudras from the Kashyap wife's (Surabhi) womb. These manifestations of the eleven Rudras are connected with the fights with devils in the past so as to spare the individuals and Gods. Emulating are the name of eleven Rudras:

1) Kapali 2) Pingal 3) Bheem 4) Virupaksha 5) Vilohit 6) Shastra 7) Ajapaad 8) Ahirbudhnya 9) Shambhu 10) Chand and 11) Bhav.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Shri Ram Bhakt Hanuman Chalisa Hindi

श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि ।
बरनउँ रघुबर बिमल जसु जो दायकु फल चारि ॥

बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके सुमिरौं पवन-कुमार ।
बल बुधि बिद्या देहु मोहिं हरहु कलेस बिकार ॥

जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुन सागर ।
जय कपीस तिहुँ लोक उजागर ॥१॥

राम दूत अतुलित बल धामा ।
अञ्जनि-पुत्र पवनसुत नामा ॥२॥

महाबीर बिक्रम बजरङ्गी ।
कुमति निवार सुमति के सङ्गी ॥३॥

कञ्चन बरन बिराज सुबेसा ।
कानन कुण्डल कुञ्चित केसा ॥४॥
हाथ बज्र औ ध्वजा बिराजै ।
काँधे मूँज जनेउ साजै ॥५॥

सङ्कर सुवन केसरीनन्दन ।
तेज प्रताप महा जग बन्दन ॥६॥
बिद्यावान गुनी अति चातुर ।
राम काज करिबे को आतुर ॥७॥

प्रभु चरित्र सुनिबे को रसिया ।
राम लखन सीता मन बसिया ॥८॥

सूक्ष्म रूप धरि सियहिं दिखावा ।
बिकट रूप धरि लङ्क जरावा ॥९॥

भीम रूप धरि असुर सँहारे ।
रामचन्द्र के काज सँवारे ॥१०॥

लाय सञ्जीवन लखन जियाये ।
श्रीरघुबीर हरषि उर लाये ॥११॥

रघुपति कीह्नी बहुत बड़ाई ।
तुम मम प्रिय भरतहि सम भाई ॥१२॥

सहस बदन तुह्मारो जस गावैं ।
अस कहि श्रीपति कण्ठ लगावैं ॥१३॥

सनकादिक ब्रह्मादि मुनीसा ।
नारद सारद सहित अहीसा ॥१४॥

जम कुबेर दिगपाल जहाँ ते ।
कबि कोबिद कहि सके कहाँ ते ॥१५॥

तुम उपकार सुग्रीवहिं कीह्ना ।
राम मिलाय राज पद दीह्ना ॥१६॥

तुह्मरो मन्त्र बिभीषन माना ।
लङ्केस्वर भए सब जग जाना ॥१७॥

जुग सहस्र जोजन पर भानु ।
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू ॥१८॥

प्रभु मुद्रिका मेलि मुख माहीं ।
जलधि लाँघि गये अचरज नाहीं ॥१९॥

दुर्गम काज जगत के जेते ।
सुगम अनुग्रह तुह्मरे तेते ॥२०॥

राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे ।
होत न आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे ॥२१॥

सब सुख लहै तुह्मारी सरना ।
तुम रच्छक काहू को डर ना ॥२२॥

आपन तेज सह्मारो आपै ।
तीनों लोक हाँक तें काँपै ॥२३॥

भूत पिसाच निकट नहिं आवै ।
महाबीर जब नाम सुनावै ॥२४॥

नासै रोग हरै सब पीरा ।
जपत निरन्तर हनुमत बीरा ॥२५॥

सङ्कट तें हनुमान छुड़ावै ।
मन क्रम बचन ध्यान जो लावै ॥२६॥

सब पर राम तपस्वी राजा ।
तिन के काज सकल तुम साजा ॥२७॥

और मनोरथ जो कोई लावै ।
सोई अमित जीवन फल पावै ॥२८॥

चारों जुग परताप तुह्मारा ।
है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा ॥२९॥

साधु सन्त के तुम रखवारे ।
असुर निकन्दन राम दुलारे ॥३०॥

अष्टसिद्धि नौ निधि के दाता ।
अस बर दीन जानकी माता ॥३१॥

राम रसायन तुह्मरे पासा ।
सदा रहो रघुपति के दासा ॥३२॥

तुह्मरे भजन राम को पावै ।
जनम जनम के दुख बिसरावै ॥३३॥

अन्त काल रघुबर पुर जाई ।
जहाँ जन्म हरिभक्त कहाई ॥३४॥

और देवता चित्त न धरई ।
हनुमत सेइ सर्ब सुख करई ॥३५॥

सङ्कट कटै मिटै सब पीरा ।
जो सुमिरै हनुमत बलबीरा ॥३६॥

जय जय जय हनुमान गोसाईं ।
कृपा करहु गुरुदेव की नाईं ॥३७॥

जो सत बार पाठ कर कोई ।
छूटहि बन्दि महा सुख होई ॥३८॥

जो यह पढ़ै हनुमान चालीसा ।
होय सिद्धि साखी गौरीसा ॥३९॥

तुलसीदास सदा हरि चेरा ।
कीजै नाथ हृदय महँ डेरा ॥४०॥


पवनतनय सङ्कट हरन मङ्गल मूरति रूप ।
राम लखन सीता सहित हृदय बसहु सुर भूप ॥

Sunday 28 December 2014

The Story Of Lord Shiva And His Birth

Lord Shiva and his introduction to the world

As indicated by hindu mythology master shiva is the destroyer in the fundamental three incomparable god. There are three incomparable divine beings first one is Lord Shiva, Second one is Brahma and third one Vishnu. Ruler shiva is the destroyer furthermore have a positive side in that devastation common prompts new manifestations of presence. Master shiva is portrayed in craftsmanship with four hand, four appearances and three eyes. The third eye dependably keep this force to demolish the creation, not just creation including divine beings and people. In the Vedas, an accumulation of antiquated sacrosanct writings, master shiva is related to the storm god Rudra.

How the conception of Lord Shiva?

There is an exceptionally fascinating story behind the conception of ruler shiva. One day brahma and Vishnu both are contending about which of them are all the more capable. That time one extraordinary bursting column show up which root and limbs broadened past perspective into the earth and sky. Presently both god Brahma and Vishnu begin to discover the begin and end of that column. Brahma transformed into goose and flew up to discover the highest point of the column, while Vishnu transformed into a hog and dug into the earth to search for its roots. After unsuccessful both returned and seen that there is a divine being Lord Shiva rose up out of an opening in the column. Perceiving Shiva's extraordinary force, they both god acknowledged that there is the third power who manages over the opposite.

Friday 26 December 2014

The History of Shani Dev Maharaj

The making of God Shani was the aftereffect of Maharishi Kashyap's extraordinary 'yagna'. At the point when God Shani was in the womb of Chaya, Shiv Bhaktini Chaya was so charmed in retribution of God Shiva that she couldn't have cared less for her nourishment even. She supplicated so seriously amid her retribution that the supplications to God had a significant impact on the kid in her womb. As an aftereffect of such an incredible repentance of Chaya, without nourishment and shade in the bursting sun, the appearance of God Shani got to be dark. At the point when God Shani was conceived, Surya was shocked to see his dim composition. He started to uncertainty Chaya. He offended Chaya by saying that this was not his child.

From conception itself, God Shani had inherited the incredible forces of his mother's retribution. He saw that his father was offending his mother. He saw his father with a coldblooded look. Subsequently his father's body was scorched dark. The stallions of God Surya's chariot halted. The chariot would not move. Stressed, God Surya shouted to God Shiva. God Shiva prompted God Surya and clarified to him about what had happened. That is, a result of him the appreciation of mother and kid had been discolored and offended. God Surya acknowledged his deficiency and apologized. What's more recovered his prior eminent looks and the force of his chariot's stallions. From that point forward, God Shani turned into a decent child to his father and mother and an enthusiastic pupil of God Shiva.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Introduction to Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

The extraordinary mantra devoted to Shiva as Mrityunjaya is found in the Rig Veda. It is known as the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra, the Great Death-Conquering mantra. It is a mantra that has numerous names and structures. It is known as the Rudra mantra, alluding to the irate part of Shiva; the Tryambakam mantra, suggesting Shiva's three eyes; and its is in some cases known as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra on the grounds that it is a segment of the "life-restoring" practice given to the primordial sage Shukra after he had finished a debilitating time of gravity. The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is hailed by the sages as the heart of the Veda. Alongside the Gayatri mantra it holds the most noteworthy spot among the numerous mantras utilized for thought and reflection.

Friday 19 December 2014

This is the Third avatar of Lord Ganesh

                                                               There are Eight avatars of Lord Ganesh 


At the point when Kartikeya had slaughtered Tarkasur, then the King of evil spirits, Shukracharya had made Mohasur to execute all the Gods. To be free from Mohasur, all the Gods loved Lord Ganesha. 

That time, Ganpati took the third symbol of Mahodar. Mahodar had an enormous stomach and he had gone to execute Mohasur riding on a mouse. When he arrived at his town, Mohasur got terrified and made Mahodar his God.

Thursday 18 December 2014

This is the Second avatar of Lord Ganesh

                                                                   There are Eight avatars of Lord Ganesh


Madasura, devil of Intoxication, was the production of Sage Chyavana. Shukracharya, master to the Asuras, conferred to him the Shakti mantra of 'Hrim'. Madasura reflected upon this mantra for a considerable length of time, until Shakti showed up and conceded him the shelter of satisfying all his goals. Madasura went crazy and oppressed the three planets. All uprightness and goodness vanished. The divine beings were then exhorted by Sanatkumara, Lord of Humanity, to conjure Ekadanta.

Seeing Ekadanta's blue-cleaned, unnerving structure, situated upon a mouse, Madasura surrendered to the Lord. Ekadanta saved him however directed that he never show up in spots where the Lord is loved with genuine commitment. Madasura nonetheless, was left allowed to appreciate the tree grown foods of any action permeated with satanic qualities.